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Experience in five continents


Walker Mill Dam (WMD) Project


Asilea’s team originated and led the development of the rehabilitation of this small hydroelectric facility in central Virginia (USA). The WMD project sells electricity under a PPA to Appalachian Power, a subsidiary to AEP and Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) into the Maryland Market under their Renewable Portfolio Standards. WMD reached Financial Close in 2019 and is targeted to enter into commercial operation in 2020.*        

Kounoune 67.5 MW HFO IPP


Asilea’s team, as part of the K&M Advisors team, assisted the Utility in Senegal (SENELEC) on the preparation, evaluation and selection of sponsors under the international tendering process (RFP) for their BOO HFO facility; on the negotiations of the long term PPA and its tariff structure. The project achieved commercial operation in 2018.*

Hadeed District Cooling Project

Saudi Arabia/Bahrain

Asilea’s team provided transactional support and guidance to Bahrein based sponsor ECCO under the long term Energy Performance Contract with Hadeed Mill Steel Complex, preparing among others the financial model and the Project Information Memorandum (PIM) to be used by lenders to raise financing for their 20,000T/chilled water facility

Portfolio of US Natural Gas/ LNG Energy securities


 Asilea’s team built a portfolio of energy/natural gas companies stocks and indexes in the energy sector in the USA, particularly active during the shale gas boom. Portfolio investments were implemented.*

Rutile Mining (10-20 MW) fossil fuel, Biofuels

Sierra Leone

 Asilea’s team, provided development services to the client to secure power in the short, medium and long term to the newly acquired mining operation. That included tendering and negotiating fuel supply agreements, negotiating terms with HFO engines lease providers, and assessing long-term feasibility of small-scale coal plants and biodiesel production based on palm oil and jatropha.*

AES Global Insurance Program


Asilea’s team advised AES Corp. on the setting up of AES Global Captive Insurance Program to self-cover risk such as Property Damage and Business Interruption of most of AES worldwide generation and distribution businesses.*

Construction Claims Water Treatment Plant


Asilea’s team advised Poole & Kent Co, a contractor to Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), on construction claims pertaining to completeness and accuracy of the electrical design for the “as built” condition for the construction at the Wastewater Treatment Facility.*

Performance Claims Water Treatment Plant


  Asilea’s team assisted Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) on engineering contractor performance pertaining to the completeness and accuracy of the electrical design for the “as built” condition for construction at the Wastewater Treatment Facility.*


Project Owner Claims Araucaria


 Asilea’s team assisted the owner on claims pertaining to achievement of the Commercial Operation of the Gas fire power plant after successful Performance Testing under the PPA.*


Biodiesel Facility


Asilea’s team performed a pre-feasibility analysis for a 30,000 to 60,000 T/year biodiesel facility in Colombia and undertook initial development activities including the pre-design, market analysis, feedstock assessment (palm oil or Jatropha) and site and land availability.*  


Hydro Facility


 Asilea’s team, together with local partners, undertook the development of a 3.5 MW Lily Hydro Facility along the Lily River.*


Kagu6 IPP Hydro Plant


 Asilea’s team assisted the Authorities and the Utility, Regideso, in their negotiation of the amendment to the Concession Agreement and the Power Purchase Agreement with the Private Sponsor for the 7.7 MW hydropower project - African Development Bank funded.*


Ruzizi River Cascade Hydro Plants PPP

Central Africa -Great Lakes Region

 Asilea’s team, as part of the Sofreco team, performed financial (i.e. modeling), commercial and limited-technical diagnostics of SINELAC (operator owned by Congo, Burundi and Rwanda) owner of the Ruzizi 36 MW hydro plant  and the participated in the proposed PPP structuring and modeling of the hydro plants along the Ruzizi River including the initial preparation for the tendering of the 145 MW Ruzizi III hydro Project - EIB funded.*


Ambatovy Nickel and Cobalt Mining Complex - Operational Audit


  Asilea’s team as part of K&M Advisors ‘team, undertook the Operational Audit of the then recently operational 60,000 T/year Nickel Mining Complex in Madagascar. The Mining Complex enter into commercial operation ion 2012.**


Electricity Trade assessment in the Maghreb Region


Asilea’s team undertook the modeling and the assessment of the benefits and advantages (i.e. Capex savings on installed MWs, Fuel and Operating savings, and dispatching optimization) of regional system planning, operation and trading as opposed to a single country approach - European Commission funded.**


Feasibility Study of Wind Farm Facility in Algeria

North Africa

Asilea’s team performed the economic and financial analysis of a 5-10 MW wind farm facility in Tindouf (Algeria) - World Bank funded.**


Solar Cell Manufacturing and Modularization

Maryland, US; Spain

  Asilea’s team assisted BP Solar in developing Project Execution Plans for the engineering and construction of the new 50-MW facilities.**


Public Private Partnership Three Water Utilities


 Asilea’s team provided commercial and financial assistance to the World Bank on their Technical Assistance program to the Ministry of Water of Algeria for the structuring and implementation of a public private participation program concerning three water utilities in the country - WB Funded.**


Energy Park at Vlore Port


 Asilea’s team advised, as part of the Enertech / Tec Icon team, alternatives for facilities to be located in the Energy Park that could be served by the Port of Vlore in Albania, particularly an LNG Terminal and storage fuel tanks for a 130 MW power station - USTDA funded.**


Energy Sector Needs Assessment


 Asilea’s team provided support to Nexant Inc. on an Energy Sector Needs Assessment in Angola, a USAID Project.**


Analysis of the conditions needed to achieve Financial Equilibrium for the Societe Nationale d’Electricite - SNEL

RD Congo

Asilea’s team conducted an analysis of the financial and commercial situation of SNEL (the national power company of the DR of Congo) and proposed different scenario options to establish a financial operational equilibrium - WB funded.**


Kharafi National of Kuwait - IPP


Asilea’s team assisted Kharafi National of Kuwait on their preliminary technical, commercial and financial assessment of a 43 MW IPP.**


Baseline Analysis of Electrogaz for Management Contractor


 Asilea’s team advised Lahmeyer International GmbH (LI) on the base line assessment of the financial (i.e. modeling) and commercial performance of the Rwandan Electricity and Water Utility (Electrogaz) under their Management Contract..**


Feasibility Study of Several Wind Farms Facilities


 Asilea’s team performed, as part of the Lahmeyer International GmbH for the Government of Djibouti, the economic (including carbon emissions reduction attributes under the Kyoto Protocol) and financial analysis of several wind farm facilities & technologies in Djibouti.**


Distribution Network Extension in Djibouti City


Asilea’s team, as part of the Lahmeyer International GmbH, performed the demand forecast and assessment of distribution network extension in poor neighborhoods in Djibouti City - World Bank funded.**


Wind Farm (15 MW overall) - Technical Audit

New Caledonia

Asilea’s team, as part of the Castalia team, undertook an overall technical, economic and financial audit of the New Caledonian Authorities of their wind farms program.**


Achwa2, 41 MW Hydropower IPP


.Asilea’s Member in its capacity of Investment Officer for the AfDB lead/participated in Bank’s financing of the Project. Financial Close was achieved in 2018 and Commercial Operation during 4Q 2019.



Nachtigal, 420 MW Hydropower IPP


 Asilea’s Member in its capacity of Investment Officer for the AfDB lead/participated in Bank’s financing of the Project. Financial Close was achieved in 2018 and Construction started in 1Q 2019.***


Ciprel V (Atinkou) CCGT 390 MW

Cote d’Ivoire

Asilea’s Member in its capacity of Investment Officer for the AfDB participated in the due diligence for Bank’s financing of the Project. Financial Close is expected in 2020.***


Djermaya 32 MW Photovoltaic (PV) IPP


 Asilea’s Member in its capacity of Investment Officer for the AfDB lead/participated in Bank’s financing of the Project. Financial Close is expected in 2020.***


Termocandelaria 320 MW Gas fired power plant


Asilea’s Member in its capacity of Project developer for KMR Power Corp and AES Corp participated in the development and financial closing of the merchant gas fired simple cycle Project. The project is in operation.***


Mamonal 90 MW Gas fired power plant


Asilea’s Member in its capacity of Project developer for KMR Power Corp and AES Corp participated building up strategy real-time electricity trading of the facility and on the transaction of  buying back of the PPA by offtakers.  



Power Barges 290 MW Gas fired power station


Asilea’s Member in its capacity of Project developer for AES Corp participated on the financing structure, modeling and lenders term sheet negotiation for the re-financing of a 290 MW Natural gas fired power barges station in Lagos, Nigeria ***


(*) ASILEA RELEVANT TRANSACTIONAL projects : these transactions were undertaken by Asilea’s team. (**) ASILEA’s RELEVANT NON-TRANSACTIONAL projets :Asilea’s team undertook these non-transactional assistance projects.  (***) ASILEA MEMBERS RELEVANTS TRANSACTIONAL projects : these transactions are not claimed to be undertaken by Asilea but rather they are relevant transactions in which its members participated.

Map of routes